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Mission:Customers: to provide customers with the best products and services;
          Staff: to create space for development to enhance the value of staff, improve the quality of life;

          For the community: Return provides the operating environment for our community.


Vision:Make China an outstanding leader in the field of lifting.

The core concept (business purposes):Stick to the base, honesty, endless for the body, Nisshin for the Road;

Team Concept (entrepreneurship):Thick the mob, the congregation gather the strong, strong, raw power, poly force the Sheng;

Philosophy (work style):Rigid command, rapid response, the implementation of the initiative, minutes and seconds careful;

Philosophy (business purposes):Root for the integrity, value for money, customer affinity, first customer;

大连市| 炎陵县| 阳西县| 舞钢市| 逊克县| 黑山县| 吴川市| 黄平县| 永丰县| 连云港市| 屏东市| 鹤峰县| 远安县| 汉川市| 巴楚县| 富裕县| 漯河市| 沧源| 英吉沙县| 沙坪坝区| 资中县| 连云港市| 芮城县| 班戈县| 剑河县| 济源市| 长阳| 抚州市| 正安县| 嘉定区| 兰坪| 家居| 卢湾区| 玉林市| 安丘市| 山东| 文安县| 砀山县| 罗定市| 达孜县| 都昌县|